Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics For International Relations - What Are The Best Subjects?

Essay Topics For International Relations - What Are The Best Subjects?You have no doubt noticed that while there are a number of essay topics for international relations, the selection of the topics remains very difficult for many students and teachers. There are several reasons why it is very difficult to select topics on which students can write.Students are often motivated by their schools' academic requirements. As a result, they would choose topics which they feel will meet the requirements for their graduation or university entrance exams. However, this is not the only way in which students evaluate the essay topics for international relations.Many students get into college because of a focus on extracurricular activities, and as a result, are too busy to worry about choosing the right essay topics for international relations. In such cases, they opt for essays which are not related to their school's subject, or which do not bring up any issue of concern to them. For instance, if you opt for an essay on American politics, you can expect a lot of questions on how American politics is viewed globally. In such cases, it is important to make sure that your essay topic is not related to any other subject.Another reason why many students fail to select the best essay topics for international relations is that they are not given enough time to write. At many colleges, teaching time is limited, so in order to save time, students often prefer to take help from students. While it is important to make sure that you have adequate time to write, the selection of topics must be done as per the time available. Therefore, even if you are lucky enough to get enough time to write an essay, you should still ensure that the topic is aligned with the theme of your college course.Finally, if you are under pressure to submit an essay on the same topic as your teacher, you may find it difficult to make the switch to something else. This is because many instructors see their role as one of the students'role. They believe that as students are directly and indirectly responsible for writing the assignment, they should stick to the topic that is more likely to help them move up in the college hierarchy. Therefore, this can be one of the reasons why the topics that students select for essays tend to remain the same throughout the year.You can help in narrowing down the choices for essay topics for international relations by looking at the differences between different classes. For example, if you are taking classes in the history of international relations, your assignment may very well be to select two history textbooks, select an essay that is based on these texts, and present the assignment to your instructor. On the other hand, if you are taking classes in psychology, you may very well be asked to write a Psychology essay. This is because most professors do not view the specialization as a separate class, but as a way to understand the students' reasoning s kills.The truth is that it is not really possible to know how to choose essay topics for international relations until you take a look at what type of students you have in your class. After that, you can identify the best topics based on your preferences and interests.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Computer Surfing, And Real Life Experience - 998 Words

It s funny—when one takes away 9/11, computer surfing, and real life experience, I cannot name a time when I watched something forbidden or inappropriate. Let me rephrase that: others might have called certain movies or TV shows inappropriate for my age, but I was never left with that sense. Maybe it was because, for all that I was a pretty curious child, I respected when my parents told me I couldn t watch something. Maybe it was because my parents had a good sense of what I and my siblings could understand and process at those young ages. Truthfully, I still don t have a solid answer, but looking back on those old memories has given me an interesting perspective. My brother adored dinosaurs as a child. He had a laundry basket full of toy dinosaurs, an entire shelf of his bookcase was stuffed full of dinosaur-related books, and when the Wild Animal Park in San Diego offered an animatronic walk-thru of various dinosaurs he begged to go every chance he could. And his little 3- and 4-years-old self loved Jurassic Park. My parents (read: my dad) watched it with him the first few times but after the fifth or so re-watch they let him watch it alone. I hated the movie and the loud sounds made our baby sister cry, so whenever he started it up again I would carry our sister to a different room and then I would find something else to do. My brother never showed any signs that seeing dinosaurs attack and eat people affected him negatively—the worst trauma inflicted was whenShow MoreRelatedNegative Effects Of Internet Addiction935 Words   |  4 Pagesvideo games and surfing the internet? It is believed that a lot of people feel like this. Nowadays, we live in a world with highly developed internet and electronic devices. The highly advanced internet makes our lives better, which is non-debatable, but there are also some drawbacks brought up by improper internet usage and one of the most influential symptoms is Internet addiction. Internet addiction affects people by causing the deterioration of the quality of life, leading our life and society intoRead MoreThe Influence Of Internet Addiction1053 Words   |  5 Pagesvideo games and surfing on internet? It is believed that a great amount of people feel like this. Nowadays, we live in a world with highly developed internet and electronic devices. Highly advanced internet make our life better, which is non-debatable, but there are also some drawbacks brought up by improper internet usage and one of the most influential symptoms is Internet addiction. Internet addiction affects people by causing the deterioration of the quality of life, leading our life and societyRead MoreThe Effects Of Electronic Devices On Children And Adolescents Essay1463 Words   |  6 Pagesper day on the weekends† (Kappos, A.D. pg. 556) on computer games, viewing videos, watching television and internet surfing to name a few. The use of electronic devices has changed the life of children/adolescent and have exposed them to a volatile and irreparable outcome, in their social interaction with peers and family, self-perception, behavior and sleep pattern. It is now a standard in today’s school and at home to have access to a computer to complete homework assignment and projects. TheRead MoreThe Effects Of Electronic Devices On Children And Adolescents Essay1464 Words   |  6 Pagesper day on the weekends† (Kappos, A.D. pg. 556) on computer games, viewing videos, watching television and internet surfing to name a few. The use of electronic devices has changed the life of children/adolescent and have exposed them to a volatile and irreparable outcome, in their social interaction with peers and family, self-perception, behavior and sleep pattern. 2) It is now a standard in today’s school and at home to have access to a computer to complete homework assignment and projects. TheRead MoreClassification of Computer Users1170 Words   |  5 Pages2012 Classification of Computer Users The sound of the keyboard typing away and the clicking of the mouse throughout the night has become a normal occurrence in  every  American household.  Staying up until two or three in the morning browsing the web has become a characteristic of many computer users today.  Since the personal computer has been invented life, work, and pleasure have changed drastically.  With the creation of the internet, the possibilities with computers are all but endless.  PeopleRead MoreInternet and Online Games Addiction1839 Words   |  8 Pageslearn to socialize and compete. Computer and online games, in most instances, are no more dangerous than other games that kids play. But sometimes, computer and online games become more than just play. They become an addiction. And when they become an addiction, your child’s psychological and physical well-being may be in jeopardy. Escaping into games When your kids play games online, is it play? Or is it something darker? Addiction to computer and online games is a real and growing problem. It affectsRead MoreHow Computers Change The Way We Think1373 Words   |  6 PagesStudent’s Name Professor’s Name Subject Details Date How Computers Change the Way We Think Introduction Jarvis: Sir, I think I need to sleep now... [shuts down] Tony Stark: Jarvis! Jarvis? Don t leave me, buddy... Consider this other conversation: Colonel James Rhodes: Give me a suit. [holds out arms] Tony Stark: Sorry, they re only coded to me. Don t worry, I got you covered. [a suit approaches Rhodey] Jarvis: Good evening, Colonel. Can I giveRead MoreIs Technology a Boost to Life or an Obstacle? Essay examples1352 Words   |  6 Pageseven methods of organization in order to solve a problem or make something easier. Technology can significantly affect humans and animals to adapt to natural environments. Technology has played an important role in the development of the quality of life of humans and animals and has also played an important role in the conservation of our environment. Technology has been one of the areas were the mankind have always been interesting because how it can make daily lives and jobs different by all meaningRead MoreThe Problem Of The Internet1263 Words   |  6 Pagesinternet. The Internet has made life alot easier by making information more accessible to all and creating connections with different people around the world. Internet is more than likely the biggest piece of technology that we have today. The internet is a worldwide sys tem of computer networks and people use this technology everyday. It’s on computers, on game systems, and even on phones. However, it has also led a lot of people to spend too much time in front of the computer, so much so that it becomesRead MoreEffects of Cyber Addiction1843 Words   |  8 PagesCHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Ten years ago, the only people who spent a majority of their leisure time on the computer were paid members of the technology industry. Today, however, surfing the web has become a pastime as social and marketable as bar hopping or going to the movies. As the web has become a part of mainstream life, some mental health professionals have noted that a percentage of people using the web do so in a compulsive and out-of-control manner.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Different Film Genres - 795 Words

Cinema is an interesting art form that appeals to a wide variety of individuals through varied genres and styles. Of the various major film genres, I am most attracted to action/adventure films and comedy films. I particularly like action/adventure films because they allow e to be transported to a fantasy world where good always triumphs over evil. There are a great variety of action films I enjoy watching, however, one of the things that they all have in common is an unusually high rate of violence. Through these films, I am able to be transported to a dangerous environment while remaining in a safe location. Additionally, these action films transport me to another place and time, which I find thoroughly enjoyable because it allows me to see how directors believe these different things can be depicted on film. A second genre I am particularly drawn to is comedy. I enjoy being able to escape my present reality and allows me to laugh at others and their situations without being mean or condescending. One thing that I find interesting about comedies is that although they may be funny on their surface, they often serve to teach a lesson such as the importance of friends or the importance of being yourself. Even though people in this types of films are often put in improbably and compromising positions, they are still able to persevere by facing whatever obstacles they are up against. Of the various genres of film, I believe that I have watched at least a handful of eachShow MoreRelatedThe Creation of Suspense in Different Film Genres Essay1876 Words   |  8 PagesThe Creation of Suspense in Different Film Genres We humans demand a lot nowadays where a film is concerned. No longer do we want simple, traditional storylines (well at least I don’t!), but instead we expect big explosions, top-notch special effects and quality acting. Film directors have a tough task keeping its audience happy; however the more suspense they create in their films, the more appreciative we will be of it. A classic horror or an intense thriller tendsRead MoreTexts Can Be Modified or Appropriated to Suit Different Audiences or Purposes, Yet Still Remain Firmly Within the Genre. Discuss Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ and at Least One of the Films You Have Studied.1050 Words   |  5 Pagesor appropriated to suit different audiences or purposes, yet still remain firmly within the genre. Discuss Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ and at least one of the films you have studied. FW Murnau’s 1921 film Nosferatu is an appropriation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. Despite it being an appropriation, explicit gothic conventions remain evident, which explore societal fears and values. These fears and values differ from Dracula, due to distinct contextual influences of different time periods. Stoker’sRead MoreThe View and Interpretation of the Term Genre1368 Words   |  5 Pagesunderstand by the term ‘genre’ and how it relates to the way we view and interpret films The way in which we, as an audience, view and interpret films can be seen to relate directly to our understanding of ‘genre’. However, what is genre? Drawing on the knowledge of key theorists and critics such as Steve Neale and Barry Langford this essay will first attempt to define genre and our understanding of it before focusing on how genre relates to the audiences view and interpretation of films. It will also touchRead MoreThe Genre Of Horror Films1563 Words   |  7 PagesFirst of all, genre is the method categorized a film based on similarities in the narrative elements. There are a wide range of different types of film genres: detective, action, adventure, gangster or crime, science fiction, drama, horror, romance, comedy, musical and so on. It is quite difficult to identify a particular film because a film might have a few of different genres. That is the reason why sub-genres exist. Sub-genres can help us to more clarity in identify the genre of a film. For ex ampleRead MoreGenre Films Predictability and Formulaicity Essay1598 Words   |  7 PagesGenre Films Predictability and Formulaicity This essay shall discuss whether Genre films are predictable and formulaic, looking at the Western genre, and using the example films of, The Searchers and Unforgiven. Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate especially in storytelling. If looking at genre in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity and overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which identifies only twoRead MoreFilm Noir: A Style Spanning Genres Essay1016 Words   |  5 Pagescategorize items applies also to objets d’art, including film – and the recognition or dismissal of film noir as a genre has been argued since the term was coined. While the term itself is valid, film noir as a genre is a misnomer. More properly, film noir should be considered a style unto itself, but definitively not genre, defined by the very definitions of the words â€Å"style† and â€Å"genre†. We will limit our subject matter here to the classic film noir period of 1941-1958, recognizing that all modernRead MoreAbout Comedy Films Essay679 Words   |  3 PagesAbout Comedy Films Our exam topic is based on Comedy films. Comedy is very individual and subjective. Comedy is inherent, different audiences find different things funny. Recently we had just seen a movie called, Theres Something about Marry, starring Cameron Diaz and Ben Stiller. This is a prime example of a comedy film. Comedy Films make me laugh - they elicit laughter from the audience. Comedies are light-hearted dramas, designed to amuse and provoke laughterRead MoreMovie Analysis : Film And Film870 Words   |  4 PagesGenre helps to define the storylines of films and helps categorise them in order to be identified when people come to look for a film to maybe help determine whether you are going to like the film or not. Genre can set scenes in order for us to know what type of film we may be watching e.g.: if you were to be watching a horror film you would have spooky, dull and dark lighting. This would set the scene letting us know that this film will most likely be a horror film. Knowing the type of genre ofRead MoreHow Genre Conventions Are Used to Raise Audience Expectations in Horror Movie Trailers.1576 Words   |  7 PagesHow genre conventions are used to raise audience expectations in horror movie trailers. ‘The word genre means ‘type’ or ‘category’’ (Teach yourself film studies) it is really important as an audience member to recognise genres as then things become categorised and easier for them to understand which is more comforting. Sometimes however genres are crossed and categories are broken for example sometimes we have ‘action thrillers’ or ‘sci-fi horrors’ this is known as a hybrid genre. This often intriguesRead MoreInvestigating How Genre and Narrative are Established in Oceans Eleven and The Bone Collector1551 Words   |  7 PagesHow Genre and Narrative are Established in Oceans Eleven and The Bone Collector In order to examine how genre and narrative is established in two crime films, we conducted a close textual analysis of Ocean’s Eleven and The Bone Collector to find out the main conventions. The main conventions of the crime genre are law enforcers, criminals and action sequence. There are also other signifers such as criminals and etc. You can find typical iconography in the crime genre; the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Intimate View Of Imagery Of Langston Hughes Dream...

An Intimate View of the Imagery in Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Dream Deferred† America is built on a dream, the idea that anyone has the opportunity for prosperity, success, and an upward social mobility when they work hard. This dream is a siren call to America’s shores for millions of people from across the world looking to forge a better life. Unfortunately, this dream seems to elude Blacks in America. The elusiveness of this dream is not because Blacks do not want to succeed or have the hunger to achieve their goals but because extraneous forces often causes it to be out of reach and ultimately deferred. But â€Å"What happens to a dream deferred?† in Langston Hughes’ seminal poem â€Å"Dream Deferred† the use of vivid imagery shows the regret, sadness, and the danger of forgotten dreams. The beauty of a dream is unrivaled; a dream can snatch 13 colonies from under the tyrannical thumb of a Queen or rouse millions of people to descend on the National Mall to hear a reverend from Atlanta speak of equality. Dreams are succulent lik e a grape but what happens when unattended? â€Å"Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?† This image elicits regret, a once inviting fruit is now dried, withered, and less appealing. The sun (outside influences) have taken away what made the grape beautiful and replaced that attractiveness with a vison of what could have been. Though that raisin can still provide sustenance, just as a janitor still provides for their family, the janitor’s dream of becoming an artist

My First Day Of My Internship - 960 Words

For the first day of my internship, I participated to an orientation with the ODOT administration, and the human resources representatives. It was an information session regarding the safety rules and discipline. In the afternoon, I participated in a tour of the department and was introduced to various personnel. The second day of my internship, I was involved in a safety training, and some outdoor activities, such as flagging on the road side and backing up ODOT’s trucks. In the afternoon, I met with my supervisor, who introduced me to each member of the department of planning and engineering design where I will be working for two mouths, and after join the construction department for the rest of internship. Wednesday, I met again with my supervisor who gave me my schedule, and put me in contact with a design engineer for a training in Micro station, a graphic engineering software used by the department of planning and engineering for drawing and design purposes. In the after noon, I spent my time learning about Micro station and get to know more about the software. Thursday morning, I started working with the features and tools found in the Micro station design environment, and also learned about the basics parts of an engineering design. The rest of the day, I started to draw with the software. Friday morning, the supervisor encourage me to keep working more with Micro station. In the afternoon, I worked with Micro station. The rest of the day, I met with theShow MoreRelatedMy First Day Of My Internship Essay2368 Words   |  10 PagesI walked into a 7th grade science classroom on the first day of my internship; it was the first time I was in a kindergarten through twelfth grade (K-12) public school classroom since 2003. I choose this school myself, in an affluent area of my home county of Forsyth, instead of being most likely placed in an â€Å"inner-city† working-class Greensboro school, as I felt this would be the easiest way to ease myself back into the K-12 mindset. This particular middle school feeds into the two highest achievingRead MoreMy First Day During My Internship Essay2303 Words   |  10 Pageshave met (a beginning understanding of the problem), disguising any identifying information- On my first day in my internship I was assigned with most of the Spanish-speaking residents since I was the only one that speaks Spanish. This was very convenient for my supervisor because I would be able to interact with those residents who are lonely due to the language barrier. After meeting with all of my assigned residents, there is one resident in particular that stood out to me. I was told that MrRead MoreMy First Day Of Internship With The Neurology Department846 Words   |  4 Pageswas nothing like any other department I had ever worked on. It was not always busy and loud like the ER, or soothing yet cheerful like pediatric. It always felt gloomy with its dimly lit hallways and beige colored walls. I met Mr. Peter on my first day of internship with the neurology department. As an intern, I was in charge of feeding patients breakfast and lunch among many other responsibilities. Unlike many other patients who were not able to chew or swallow their meal properly, Mr. Peter w as differentRead MoreMy First Day Of The Internship I Was Changed The Standards Of Procedures Enforced At Pdgx1257 Words   |  6 PagesJournal 1 The first day of the internship I was introduced to the Standards of Procedures enforced at PDGX. The entire day was devoted to the global SOP training which involved reading, presentations by respective staff and quizzes. I am now HIPPA Certified! I also attended other â€Å"scientist† specific sessions and got to know the people who were hired in the month of January. Overall, this day was devoted to documentation. Journal 2 The second session of this internship introduced me to the conceptRead MoreDamascus Outreach Association For Damascus852 Words   |  4 PagesInformation This report of my internship is divided into five sections. The first section provides an introduction to the Damascus Outreach Association that gave me the opportunity to do my internship. The second section looks at the practices, duties, and tasks of my internship that I was assigned to do at Damascus. The third section provides an evaluation and reflection of the experiences and knowledge that I gained at Damascus in the course of my internship. The fourth section provides recommendationsRead MoreMy Experience As An Intern For The Semester Of Fall1351 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In this report I will discuss my experience as an intern for the semester of fall, 2015. For the past few months I have partaken in a residential construction internship building custom homes and renovations through a non-profit organization for veterans and the elderly. Internship Orientation and Preparation My internship began on August 17th. Throughout the first 2 weeks there was another intern at the company. Throughout those two weeks the other intern mentored me and gave me adviceRead MoreInternship At Metropolitan State University Of Denver1521 Words   |  7 Pagessuch as clinicals, externships, internships, hands-on experience, and so forth, but these terms basically mean the same thing (Makely, 2013). Enrolled as a Health Care Management student at Metropolitan State University of Denver, one of the requirements is to complete a 150 hour internship that is related to health care management. The internship is an opportunity to apply knowledge and skills that I have acquired during the classroom and the online portion of my training, in an actual health careRead MoreMy Experience With My Hospital Internship937 Words   |  4 PagesMy hospital internship has significantly affected my growth as a person because it opened my eyes to what the medical field truly is. When I started my internship at Staten Island University Hospital I was sixteen years old. I didn’t really know what I wanted to do I life. I knew that I wanted to be someone who could help others. The first day of my internship I was really scarred I didn’t know what tasks I would be assigned but that didn’t stop me from being excited. When I arrived at the hospitalRead MoreCriminal Justice Internship At The Yale Child Abuse Programs1640 Words   |  7 PagesValentino). I completed my criminal justice internship at the Yale Child Abuse Programs Department of Pediatrics, in New Haven Connecticut. My internship with the Child Abuse Programs was such an eye opening experience. I not only got to learn about my field of study, but this internship has also aloud me to discover a lot about myself as a person as well. When I walked into the Yale building on my first day as an intern, I did not know what to expect, and I certainly had no idea that my time there wouldRead MoreProject Management Class, Effective Communication1280 Words   |  6 PagesBefore Construction Science students embark on their semester long internship, they are required to complete lower-level courses. This internship has applied to real-world situations the lessons we had learned in class. In my Estimating I and my Estimating II class we learned how to measure materials and price them. This was a skill that was applied all throughout my internship as mentioned in the past slides. Per my Project Management class, effective communication was taught. Since I am bilingual

Save Our Earth free essay sample

First of all, let us praise to the Almighty Allah SWT, because of His Blessing we are able to attend this English speech contest. Secondly, may peace be upon the prophet Muhammad Saw who has guided us from the darkness into the brightness. I also would like to say many thanks to the juries and MC who have given me opportunity to deliver an English speech in front of you all. Ladies and Gentlemen, The title of my speech is â€Å"Save Our Earth; Save Our Forest†. As we know, people from all over the world always commemorate Earth Day every 22nd April.The idea of earth day is based on the awareness to save this world from the environmental destruction. It aims at making global movements to participate actively in saving our earth – the only planet in which we live. Our country, Indonesia, which is known as the emerald of equator, has an important role to keep the balance of world ecological system. We will write a custom essay sample on Save Our Earth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 63 percent (or 1,134,000 km2) of our land territory is still as a forest. Meanwhile, the water area is more than 317,000,000 km2. 17 percent of world plant and animal species live in Indonesia. It indicates that the ecosystem and environmental condition in Indonesia will affect the world.In other words, the environmental damage in Indonesia will influence the sustainability of world environment. Ladies and Gentlemen, One of the causes of environmental damage is deforestation, or known as the destruction of forest. The deforestation has caused many disasters in this world, including Indonesia. Floods, earthquakes and landslides are examples of killing disasters which make us realize that the existence of forest is very important. In Addition, another effect of deforestation is related with the global warming or the increase of global surface temperature which is mainly caused by the greenhouse effects.We all know, one of the most crucial issues in celebrating Earth Day is the global warming. It warns us that our earth is in danger and we should participate actively to take care of our environment. Ladies and Gentlemen, The question is, what is the relationship between Earth Day, global warming, deforestation, and Indonesia? Indonesia lies in the equator, between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Because of its location, Indonesia is rich of rainforests. Scientists state that the function of rainforests is as the lungs of the world. They absorb greenhouse gas emissions, turncarbon dioxide (CO2) into oxygen (O2).It means that if deforestation keeps going on, the greenhouse effects can not be reduced and finally the global warming will keep increasing. Ladies and Gentlemen, We live in the same world; in this earth. The importance of saving our environment, especially our rainforests, is the need for all of us, for human being to survive. It is not only for us, but also for our next generation. There are many simple activities that we can do in order to participate in saving our earth. Here are some examples: 1. Stop deforestation and do reforestation movement. Save our earth free essay sample Applicants should include certified copies of supporting documents that have not already been submitted to Victoria University as part of an application for admission. A full list of the required documents can be found on the application form. You must be a citizen of an SEAN country wanting to enroll in your first year of undergraduate study at Victoria University of Wellington, and be under the age of 23 on 31 December 2014. Please read the full eligibility criteria for this scholarship in the terms and conditions section of the application. About Victoria UniversityVictoria University of Wellington is one of New Sealants oldest and most prestigious universities, and has an established tradition of excellence in research-based teaching. Victoria is ranked first among New Zealand universities by the New Zealand Governments ranking of research performance of its academic staff. In the 2014 SQ World University Rankings, Victoria is ranked in the top 50 in English Language Literature and Law, in the top 100 in Education Training, Politics, Psychology, and History and in the top 150 in a number of other subjects. We will write a custom essay sample on Save our earth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Victoria is also home to the Victoria Business School, one of an elite group of 58 business schools worldwide that holds the Triple Crown of international accreditations of SQUISH, CABS (Business), and MAMBA. Part of the vibrant, dynamic and bustling Wellington community, Victoria University takes advantage of its capital city status with unique links to the public sector, business, science and innovation, creativity, and the arts.Victoria is proud of providing a supportive and challenging learning environment that produces graduates with leadership skills, who can think critically and communicate effectively, and who an respond creatively to the challenges ahead. Your application for the SEAN Undergraduate Tuition Fees Scholarship Use this form to apply for the scholarship only if you are a citizen of an SEAN country Brunet, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Manner, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand or Vietnam. Note Complete this form in English.Add additional pages if necessary. Documents submitted in support of this application must be in English either originals or a true copy of the original. Certification of true copies must be done by a recognized official or by the institution that sued the documents and must bear the official stamp and signature Of the certifier. Where results from secondary school study and/or university foundation study are not available, it is essential that an original signed set of forecast results are provided by the applicants educational institution.Return this completed application to reach the following address by 31 October 2014: International Programmer Office Victoria International pop BOX 600 Wellington New Zealand Email [emailprotected] AC. NZ Please read the following notes before completing the application form Victoria is pleased to offer six SEAN Undergraduate Tuition Fees Scholarships for 2015. The scholarship covers the tuition fees for the first year of study (two trimesters) of an undergraduate degree at Victo ria university of Wellington. 1.The scholarships will be awarded on merit to outstanding candidates who meet the criteria below: ++ be a citizen of an SEAN country; ++ be completing (or have completed) the academic requirements for admission into an undergraduate degree at Victoria university of Wellington in 2015; ++ have submitted an application to duty at Victoria as an undergraduate International Student in 201 5; ++ have met Victorians English language requirements for undergraduate study; ++ not have lodged, personally or as dependents, a current application for migration or have been granted residence status in New Zealand. . The scholarship can commence in either Trimester 1 or 2, 2015. 3. After the closing date applications will be short-listed on the basis Of outstanding academic merit.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ripoff Essay Example For Students

Ripoff Essay College EssayThe challenging family situation I would like to share with you is our move from Korea to the United States. In 1989, my life was changed when my family immigrated to a new country, hoping for a better future. My life in Korea was hopeless, because I was a failing student with not much interest in school. I spent the majority of my time in Arcades, wasting my coins on video games. Rather than studying with my friends, as I had told my parents I would, I obsessed over the games. Over time, my English improved. I moved on to regular sixth grade classes; some of which were challenging, but tolerable because of my teachers whom were willing to help. I always enjoyed class trips to the computer lab, where I would start programming on the computer. Other kids would start to gather around and treat me like a genius. Before long, I made more friends and found that I was enjoying school. Thoughts of going back to Korea faded, and my grades rose to a satisfactory level. This pleased my parents who now encouraged me to invite friends to dinner. When my friends came over, I became the translator between my parents and my friends. Since then, I often translate for my parents in any occasion where translation is needed. Talking to some adults was intimidating and sometimes embarrassing, but I felt mature and responsible. The rest of my school year went by very smoothly, and my self-confidence grew. Now I help other Korean people with language difficulties, helping them t o understand English and American customs. Prior to my arrival to the United States, I thought everything would be nice and easy, but it did not turn out that way. Life was difficult, since I had to learn a new language, culture, and customs. One of the best things I learned was that my parents were right. This experience helped change me from a hopeless kid to a confident and responsible young adult. From this experience, I have learned that if one sets goals, works hard towards those goals, dedicates oneself to those goals, and takes advantage of opportunities presented, they can achieve anything.